Call Us: +1 (800) 455-9642

Return Policy

Is your install not going according to plan? We get it. As car guys ourselves, we have installed countless car parts on our own rides that never seem to go seamless. Before you get too frustrated, let us help you! Our wonderful tech staff is available Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM CST and can solve nearly every issue over a simple phone call or an email. Our Support Center is also full of helpful information and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • Products may be returned for a full refund within 60 days of purchase for any reason given that the product is in a new, unused, and uninstalled condition.
  • Buyer will be credited for purchase price and shipping to the buyer (if applicable). CHAP PERFORMANCE is not responsible for any customs or additional fees paid.
  • Buyer is responsible for return shipping. Any damage to the product in return shipping due to poor packaging may result in loss of refund. CHAP PERFORMANCE is not responsible for packages damaged in the shipping process.
  • Tips for Packaging:
    • Wrap bolts separate from the product.
    • Wrap items in foam or paper and separate in the box with air bubbles, paper, or pieces of cardboard. Packing peanuts are not recommended.
    • Include an index card or post-it note with your name and order number.
  • Products may only be returned for a full refund if they are in new condition. Any items returned with bolt marks, scratches, or other installation marks will be subject to a 30% or less restocking fee at the discretion of CHAP PERFORMANCE.
  • Any returned products that are damaged beyond usability may result in a full denial of refund.
  • If a partial or no refund is to be granted due to excess damage, the item will NOT be returned to the buyer.
  • All returns must include the buyer’s name and original order number. If these cannot be located, the return process may be delayed or result in denial of refund.
  • Please allow up to 10 business days for your return to be processed and account credited.

For additional questions on our return policy, please send us a message or call us at +1 (800) 455-9642.

14 Days Free Exchange

in-scene annotations (hotspots) in sync with frames.

Extremely Fast Shipping

Transparent, documented, eventful & well-tested tiny code base.

Guarantee of Satisfaction

Intuitive operation. Supports both mouse and touch.